How to start a dropshipping business using Spocket and Aliscraper

Welcome to our blog on how to start a dropshipping business with Spocket and Aliscraper.

What a year 2020 was!

We all know what it brought with it. Most of the people had not left their houses for months. Working from home had become the new normal. Still is, kind of. Some might be loving it and others might be despising it.

Nonetheless, all of us who have jobs right now should be grateful because some have lost their only source of living in these trying times. Daily wage workers took the biggest hit. The least affected people during this time are the well-off people.

Two things everybody has learned during the lockdown:

  • How important it is to save money and be prepared for a situation like this.
  • How the internet is literally saving us and is here to stay.

We can never predict what more the future has in store for us. All we can do is be prepared for it.

It is imperative to realize that in this day and age, more than one source of income is a necessity. Even when you have a well-paying job, you always run the risk of losing it and you might run out of your savings too. It is crucial to have multiple streams of (passive) income.

Now, there are many things you can do to create multiple sources of income. You can invest, freelance, do Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Influencing, etc.  But if you’re looking to start something big, you should think of starting an online business such as an e-commerce store, Software Development Services, Coaching, etc.

However, even online businesses require a lot of investment, and not many people can afford that. In that case, the best bet is DROPSHIPPING. It is the best option for an online business that requires very little investment to get started.

If you’re hearing dropshipping for the first time, let me tell you what it is.

Dropshipping is a product fulfillment method in which you purchase the products directly from a third-party supplier or manufacturer instead of stocking them up in a store. This way, you can sell products online without the products ever being in your hands physically.

All you need is a computer, an online store, and a basic understanding of how to market and sell online.

Let me explain.

This is how a traditional supply chain operates:


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In a traditional supply chain, a product that costs Rs. 100 in manufacturing ends up being Rs. 1000 by the time it reaches the customer, because of the multiple intermediaries.

This is how dropshipping works:


Step 1: You set up an online store using e-commerce platforms, like Shopify. Then, you find a credible supplier for the niche that you have selected. Find products that you want to sell from the supplier and list them on your store at a price you set.

Step 2: When a customer places an order on a product, they pay you the retail price you have set for that product.

Step 3: You will forward the order to the supplier for the product at the wholesale price, thus making a profit. The supplier will have the product shipped directly to your customer.

In a nutshell, drop shippers help increase supplier sales by bringing in customers to their stores using their marketing skills and making profits themselves in the process. Basically, a drop shipper is a retailer that does not handle products directly.

Dropshipping is a simple 3-step process that requires only three people: the supplier, the dropshipper (you), and the customer.

Now, you might ask, why dropshipping? (why shouldn’t the customer buy directly from the supplier?). Here’s why:

  • The internet is a very big place. The customers may not know the supplier. With your incredible marketing skills, you could reach potential customers before the supplier. So you deserve the profits.
  • The product is not everything. It is your brand and credibility, in addition to the quality of the product that drove customers to you and will keep them coming back to you.

Advantages of Dropshipping

  1. Easy to get started with incredibly low investment costs as compared to other online businesses.
  2. You don’t need to be a business guru or entity to get started. Basic knowledge of marketing and selling online is more than enough. You can start dropshipping as a side hustle.
  3. No hassle of inventory management. Dropshipping is a hands-off process. You don’t need to stock up on products and maintain a warehouse. You don’t ever need to handle the products directly. You can focus exclusively on marketing and promotion and leave the logistics to the supplier.
  4. There are millions of products that can be found easily on the internet.
  5. You get to set the retail price, so you control the profit margin.
  6. It is very easy to scale. Even after scaling up, there is not much of a difference in the process.

Like any other business, there are some challenges that arise in dropshipping as well.

  1. Dropshipping is an easier option, therefore it has a higher potential for competition. Selecting a unique niche becomes an important task. You need to be very skilled at what you do and create a credible online store that people are willing to come back to.
  2. The quality of the products depends completely on the supplier. You must choose a supplier very carefully and ensure the quality of your products. Create a strong bond with the supplier.

Now, where do you find credible suppliers with great-quality products?

Honestly, you can find them completely on your own, but you can end up spending a lot of time researching and negotiating to guarantee customer satisfaction.


You can use a platform that gives you access to millions of products and suppliers in a few clicks with dozens of features, like Spocket, AliExpress, Oberlo, Salehoo, etc.

Spocket is your best bet. It allows you to choose the best products to sell from thousands of dropshipping suppliers all over the world. You’ll be able to join 50,000 entrepreneurs who use Spocket to smoothly manage their dropshipping business.

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How to start a Dropshipping business with Spocket

We need to understand what makes Spocket so unique:

  1. Spocket helps you to choose the right products to dropship that are best-selling.
  2. It completely ensures the credibility and reliability of the suppliers and the high quality of the products, unlike the generic low-quality products on other platforms.
  3. Spocket allows you to test the products and suppliers by allowing you to order the product samples even before including them in your store. This way, you can be very sure of the quality of the products and not risk any errors in the future. This is what makes Spocket unique.
  4. The visuals play a significant role in how the customer sees the product. Spocket takes care of that. You do not have to worry about quality control and product images. Spocket product descriptions are clean and crisp while covering all important points.
  5. Spocket does not leave room for uncertain shipping times.
  6. It fulfills your orders with one click. Spocket is synced with your store and all orders automatically appear in your app. No manual work is required. The stock is updated in real-time.

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So, now you are ready to begin your dropshipping business. How do you start?

Setting up a dropshipping business is as easy as ABC.

How to start a dropshipping business in 5 easy steps:

Step 1: Start a free 14-day trial on Shopify. Create a beautiful and credible online store using Shopify’s themes.

Step 2: Install Spocket. Sign up without a credit card in a few clicks.

Step 3: Import products from Spocket to your online store.

Step 4: Enable payment gateways.

Step 5: Send traffic to your store using your awesome marketing skills.

And just like that, you’ve set up your very own dropshipping business.

Dropshipping is a learning curve. You have to leverage your skills to get the most out of it. You need good dropshipping tools to assist you to get an edge over other drop shippers.

One such great tool is Spocket’s AliScraper.

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AliScraper is an automated dropshipping tool that allows you to import AliExpress products to your e-commerce store with a single click. It helps you handle bulk orders quickly and process hundreds of orders in an instant.

Key Features of AliScraper

  • AliScraper is a free, one-click importer (through Spocket) that automates the process of importing products to your store saving up a lot of your time.
  • Aliscraper can process hundreds of orders within an instant through Spocket allowing you to spend the most time on building your brand.
  • Aliscraper Provides 24/7 customer service to resolve any issues you might face in your dropshipping business at any time.
  • Aliscraper Enables you to easily identify courier options that ship to your desired destination making the fulfillment process a lot quicker.
  • AliScraper is easily compatible with Shopify, Big Commerce, WooCommerce, and Wix.

(The only downside is that you need to be a Google Chrome user since it is a Google Chrome extension)


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AliScraper is a free tool so you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying it for your dropshipping business. Harness its power of automation and easy usage to take your dropshipping business to the next level and get ahead of the game.

Is Dropshipping worth it?

Dropshipping may not be for everyone. It does require investment- of money, time, and energy. But if you have the skills and the determination to make it, you could be able to reap the benefits sooner than you think. You just have to keep learning, identifying the loopholes, and keep going.

Still not convinced? Read these incredible, successful dropshipping stories.

How I made $178,492 in three months by dropshipping US and European products

How this entrepreneur earned $442,991 USD in just six months by building a dropshipping business that people loved

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